OWA Updates: COVID safety guidelines

Consumer Social Community Guidelines

Welcome to OWA Parks & Resort! To ensure fun and safety for all of our guests, please note the following rules.

We all know how to be good neighbors. Being good neighbors online requires that we follow certain rules and it’s our job to be clear about what those are.

  • Please respect everyone’s privacy, including your own. Don’t include any specific account details or personal information about yourself or another that could constitute an invasion of privacy.
  • Please be courteous — we cannot allow any abusive, derogatory, discriminating and/or obscene language.
  • Please stay on topic — and don’t post information that is focused on selling a product or service, or whose sole purpose is to direct our users to another website for personal, political or monetary gain.
  • We do not allow for the resale of tickets on any OWA page — Due to the possibility of “reseller scams,” OWA does not allow the solicitation of ticket selling on any page in order to protect our users from potential fraud.
  • Please only provide factual information — OWA reserves the right to remove any information that is factually inaccurate. This is to ensure we are communicating and providing the correct information to all our guest and users.
  • Please use proper venues for communication about litigation or disputes. We aren’t able to allow comments on threatened or actual litigation, or any other dispute between you and any other entity or person. If you have concerns about an issue pertaining to you and your relationship with OWA, and would like follow-up from us, please contact us at (251) 923-2111. For questions, please email us.

Now for the details. All social media pages are represented and managed by OWA; therefore OWA has reserves the right to monitor these pages and interactions to ensure everyone is following our Community Standards. Facebook.com is owned by a third-party who is unaffiliated with OWA and OWA is not responsible for the privacy or security policies held by this site or other third party sites that may be linked to by this page or other Facebook.com pages. We urge you to review the privacy and other policies of each website that you visit. OWA does not endorse and is not responsible for any ads that Facebook.com may place on this page, or for the content, products, advice, opinions, recommendations or other material of third-party sites or other pages on Facebook. Content submitted by users on this page is subject to approval based on our Social Media Policy.

As a note, at times, we may post links to sites that are non-OWA affiliated. These links are to serve as an outlet for information OWA feels might be useful to you, the user of our Facebook page. Please use these links at your own risk. OWA does not monitor these sites nor do we guarantee the accuracy of sites included in OWA post links. Links to non-OWA sites do not imply support or an endorsement of those affiliations linked to.

OWA reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time at its sole discretion. Changes to this policy are regarded as in effect at the time changes are made.